Wahkohtowin Strengthening Family Program

It is one of the most dynamic strength-based skill development programs which involves not just the parents or the children alone but the whole family. Wahkohtowin (pronounced Wah-KoH-toh-win) is a Cree word and refers to kinship or the state of being connected.



A positive parent/child relations and attachment.



A family communication of value, norms and expectations



Investing in child rearing, supervision and discipline.

A big thank you to all our funders.


Program Overview

Families recruited from different parts of Winnipeg come together every week for 3 hours and have a 14 weeks skill development training facilitated by well-trained youth and adult mentors and structured, evidence based and internationally acclaimed training manuals and videos.

It is a 3 hours program with:
  • Family Mealtime where members of the family come together for a delicious cultural meal and discuss issues from the conversation jars.
  • Teens/Parent Skill Training Class where parents and teens split into separate classes and learn new skills and watch videos tailored to their own experience.
  • Family Skill Training Class where both teens and parents come together and practice the new behaviors and skills they taught as a family.


Studies showed that SFP through increased parental knowledge and discipline effectiveness, reported to decrease significantly a broad range of children:

  • Behavioral Problems, (arguing with parents, screaming, temper tantrums)
  • Emotional Problems, (being angry, fearful, anxious)
  • School Problems, (truancy, disobedience, dislike of school, poor academic performance)
  • Social Problems, (fighting with peers, siblings, rudeness, roughness)
  • Substance Abuse Risk Factors, (intention to smoke/drink) to mention some.


SFP is a culturally informed program. More than 40% of SFP recruitment and retention adapted. The main cultural version of SFP comprises:

  • Transcribed training manuals into different languages such as Arabic, Swahili, Somali, and Tigrigna.
  • Dietary restrictions including halal.
  • Diverse settings: inner cities to isolated farms, tropics to prairies and America to Asia.


  • Lives in Winnipeg
  • Has at least a teen aged 11-17 years old,
  • Experience high levels of conflict in the home or community
  • Willing to complete an anonymous survey before and after program

SFP is a voluntary, no cost program with transportation to and from program and best for family:


Anteneh Abraha (Site Coordinator)
Phone: (204)880-2483, Weekdays
Email: anteneha@bilalcommunitycentre.ca

Mentor’s Line
Phone: (204)880-3734 / (204)880-3672,
Evenings and Saturday


Natalie Carreiro
Phone: (204)594-6500 Ext.110
Email: ncarreiro@kanikanichihk.ca

Locations and dates

SFP runs in partnership with 4 different agencies at 4 different locations in Winnipeg. Families are encouraged to select the site most comfortable and convenient for them.

  • Registration is open year-round.
  • If the session is full, you may choose to attend another site, or have your name placed on a waitlist.

Ka Ni Kanichihk Inc.

Address: 765 Main Street
Day: Tuesday
Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: (204)953-5820 Ext:228

Spence Neighborhood Association Inc.

Address: 365 McGee St
Day: Thursday
Time: 5:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Phone: (204)783-5000 Ext:125

Ndinawemaagang Endaawaad Inc.

Address: 472 Selkirk Ave
Day: Monday
Time: (5:00 pm – 8:00 pm)
Phone: (204)417-7233 Ext:226

Bilal Community and Family Centre

Address: 33 Warnock Street
Upcoming cohort in BCFC begins August 28, 2019

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